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I'm often asked by clients and supervisees for book recommendations. Since an effective recommendation is difficult without knowing what someone is seeking, I've compiled a short list of books that have been influential for me professionally and personally. I've also gathered links to online resources you might find helpful.


These books can easily be found online or - better yet - at your local neighborhood book store. There's an excellent one right next to my office in Fremont.


  • Irving Yalom is one of my favorite writers in the field. Existential Psychotherapy is a classic text and one that has had a great influence on my work. In it he lays out his beliefs that the majority of issues we all face are quite simply and unavoidably rooted in the universal facts of our very existence. It is a beautiful book on the role therapy can play in facing these issues with honesty, courage, dignity, and humor.

  • In Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Nancy McWilliams has written a clear, fascinating, and inspiring book on the nature and practice of psychodynamic therapy.

  • Zen Therapy by David Brazier is a wonderful work on the application of Eastern approaches within a Western psychotherapeutic context.


  • Hold Me Tight by Susan Johnson explores Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), which holds that the romantic relationship must be nurtured through safe communication and honest connection. EFT has influenced my work greatly and I highly recommend this book to all couples.

Eastern Thought:

  • A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield is a classic for a reason. This beautiful book simply and earnestly discusses the promises and impediments of spiritual life, which he discusses in the jargon-free and inclusive terms of self-compassion and simplicity of perception. It is an excellent beginner's guide to meditation practice.

  • Tara Brach's Radical Acceptance is a lovely introduction to the Vipassana Buddhist process of shifting from shame to self-compassion.

  • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind is a collection of talks from Zen master Shuryu Suzuki. Zen is a practice - not a religion - and Suzuki's classic is a subtle and wonderful tool in the deepening of this practice. I do not recomment this book for absolute newcomers to Eastern thought, as it is somewhat less accessible than the others I've listed.

Online Resources


Chronic Illness:

  • HealingWell.com is a news, information, and support network resource for clinicians, families and those directly coping with chronic illness


Eating Disorders:

General Mental Health Info:

Human Diversity:

Meditation and Wellness:

Special Needs Children:

Trauma and Interpersonal Violence

Other Therapist Websites

  • My dear friend David Younger is an excellent psychologist in New York specializing in physcial illness, parenting, and relationship issues.